Young Researcher Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
Did you know that only 12-13% of PhDs end up in a tenure track academic career? The good news is that there are other exciting, fulfilling, flexible career paths, which you can shape yourself.
Join the Young Researcher Entrepreneurship Bootcamp (YREB) PhD summer school (2.5 ECTS) to grow your entrepreneurial mindset and learn how that can benefit both your current research and future career.
The course specifically leverages AI, data science, and computer science in the service of societal and environmental challenges in for instance health-tech, green-tech, manufacturing, and business. The aim is to build entrepreneurial capacity and to increase the establishment of university-based startups.
What you will learn
By developing your entrepreneurial mindset you will be better able to:
- Generate research ideas that meet an actual need and validate whether they have the potential to become a viable business.
- Grasp the fundamentals of creating a novel startup.
- Understand the basics of ML Ops as a prerequisite for building an AI startup.
- Take the steering wheel in your current research and future career.
- Cultivate innovative thinking and presentation skills.
- Navigate how to collaborate with tech transfer and innovation officers (e.g. Investores and intellectual property (IP)).
Find more information and the full programme here
Questions? Contact P1 Innovation Manager, Camilla Nørgaard Jensen.