Pioneer Centre for AI talk: Eye Hand Symbiosis & XR
The Human-Centred Computing section and the Pioneer Centre for AI welcomes Ken Pfeuffer, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, who will give a talk on Eye Hand Symbiosis & XR.
Eye Hand Symbiosis & XR
Since Bolt’s “Put-That-There”, an interactive system that responds to users’ speech and gesture, multimodality has become a core asset to user interfaces. In this talk I will lay out my research on the multimodal combination of eyes + hands. I discuss how established (Touchscreen, Stylus) and emerging interfaces (Gesture, VR, AR) can be enhanced with visual information that is obtained through eye tracking. I will discuss future human-computer UIs where eyes and hands work in tandem, how it can empower us in our interactive capabilities, and how computer interaction can become as effortless as a glance. In the second part of this talk, I will discuss further research directions in XR that we are currently pursuing.