
P1 Guest Talk on Natural Language Processing and Prompts

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O brave new world, that has such prompts in it



Natural language processing is in a state of flux.  I will talk about three recent papers appearing in ACL and EMNLP conferences that are a zeitgeist of the current uncertainty of direction.  First, I will talk about a paper that evaluated the responses of large language models to domain questions.  Then, I will talk about a paper that used prompting to study the language of the Federal Reserve Board.  Last, I will discuss current work on identifying generated content.  In addition, I will highlight a mega-paper I was involved in about prompting.



Denis Peskoff is a postdoc at Princeton University working with Professor Brandon Stewart.  He completed his PhD in computer science at the University of Maryland with Professor Jordan Boyd-Graber and a bachelor’s degree at the Georgetown School of Foreign Service.  His research has incorporated domain experts—leading board game players, Federal Reserve Board members, doctors, scientists—to solve natural language processing challenges.

If you wish to set up a meeting with Denis Peskoff after the Talk, please contact him directly on e-mail: peskoff.d@gmail.com


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