
National Data Science PhD Meetup and Celebrating Danish Data Science

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Growing Danish Data Science 2023

Welcome to Growing Danish Data Science! A one-day event to strengthen the community of data scientists in Denmark. The day consists of two events: 

9.30 – 14.15 National Data Science PhD Meetup
We welcome all PhD students in Denmark who identify as working with data science 

14.30 – 18.00 Celebrating Danish Data Science
We welcome the wider community of data science researchers and practitioners 

You can register to the morning or the afternoon event, or both as you see fit.

National Data Science PhD Meetup 

We invite you to come co-create the foundation for a Danish data science PhD community, in the first of a series of events. The Meetup will gather up to 80 PhD students from different fields and across Denmark to form new relationships, be engaged by inspiring scientific talks and group discussions, and grow the future of the Danish data science PhD community.  

Come and meet your fellow PhD students for a fun and inspiring day at the Utzon Center in Aalborg. 

Who should attend?

The PhD Meetup is for all PhD students in Denmark who identify as working with data science. Furthermore, you must be either…

Currently enrolled in a PhD programme
To be enrolled within the coming 6 months
Or have graduated within the last year 

… All from a PhD programme at a Danish university.

You should join the National Data Science PhD Meetup if you want to… 

Join a national community for data science PhD students from all Danish universities

Be inspired by the broadness of the data science research being done in Denmark
Learn about how to gain the most from interdisciplinary collaboration
Meet potential collaborators through guided networking

Take part in co-creating the future national data science PhD community 

Enjoy good food, a great venue, and have fun 

Schedule and registration below.

Accommodation and travel reimbursement

If you wish, DDSA will cover accommodation from June 26 to 27 for those participants from outside Aalborg attending the National Data Science PhD Meetup.

Moreover, DDSA will also reimburse your individual travel costs (1 form of transportation only, e.g. train, bus, or flight tickets on economy) if the expense has been made using your personal funds.

Celebrating Danish Data Science 

Celebrating Danish Data Science is for everyone in the Danish data science community who wish to mark the growth of data science in Denmark.  

Together with current and future collaborators, ranging from students to professors, from practitioners to leadership and across all sectors including academia, business, NGOs, and public organisations we celebrate growing Danish data science.  

You should attend Celebrating Danish Data Science if you want to…
Hear inspiring keynotes on the intersection between data science and society
Network with senior data scientists and next generation scientists
Continue the conversations from the PhD Meetup
Learn first-hand about the next DDSA-funded PhD and Postdoc projects 


Monday 26th of June

18:00 Optional pre-event: PhD Game Night including pizza and drinks – social night for attendees of the National Data Science PhD Meetup

Tuesday 27th of June

National Data Science PhD Meetup

9:30 Registrations open

10:00 Welcome by DDSA Managing Director Sofie Castella

10:15 Keynote: TBA – Data Science Futures

10:45 Group activity

11:00 Keynote: Rolf Hvidtfeldt, Assistant Professor, Humanomics Research Center, Aalborg University

11:30 Group activity

12:00 Lunch with a view

12:45 Co-creation workshop for the future national data science PhD Meetups

13:45 Social game

14:15 End

Celebrating Danish Data Science

14:00 Doors open

14:30 Welcome

Keynote 1: Samantha Dawn Breslin, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology
and Copenhagen Center for Social Data Science (SODAS), University of Copenhagen

Keynote 2: Announcing the 2023 DDSA Fellows

16:00 – 18:00 Networking reception


Registration deadline: May 26th, 2023

Notification of acceptance: June 1st, 2023