
European Causal Inference Meeting





About EuroCIM

The general theme of the meeting is Causal Inference in Health, Economic and Social Sciences. Causal inference is broadly defined, and the focus is on statistical methodology and challenging applications that highlight necessary methodological extensions.

EuroCIM aims to Provide a forum for people interested in causal inference to meet informally,
for early career and established researchers to present and discuss the latest developments in the field,
and to offer opportunities for networking to develop future research opportunities and collaborations.

Find more information here


Local organising commitee

Erin Evelyn Gabriel, Helene Rytgaard, and Anne Helby Petersen from the Section of Biostatistics in the department of Public Health and Niels Richard Hansen, and Sebastian Weichwald from the Section of Statistics and Probability Theory in the department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen.



The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence, The Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA), The Danish Statistical Society (DSTS).