
Call for Submissions for the Nordic AI Meet 2023

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The Nordic AI Meet 

Nordic AI meet is a pan Nordic initiative to bring the PhD students from the Nordic countries together on a single platform to exchange research ideas and build collaboration.  The Nordic AI Meet takes place in Copenhagen October 2-3, 2023. More information about the conference https://nordicaimeet.com/

Submission Guidelines

Young researchers in the field of AI, Machine Learning and Robotics are invited to submit a short abstract for their current ongoing research work or past published research or research focus of their PhD studies. The researchers will be selected based on the brief abstract and will be invited to give a short talk or present a poster during the Nordic AI meet. Nordic AI meet is an annual symposium for young researchers from the Nordic region. 


Please make sure you submit the abstract using Easychair by 30 April 2023. See https://easychair.org/cfp/NAIM2023 for details.