Applied Computational Biology
Are you ready to explore the latest advancements in computational molecular biology?
Join the one-week course covering state-of-the-art methods in computational molecular biology. Topic areas include research in cutting-edge biotechnology sequencing data types, biosustainability, medical genomics, deep learning models for molecular data and large-scale genome sequence analysis methods. Get hands-on experience, learn from recent research, and showcase your skills through project presentations and a small number of assignments.
Course topics:
Day 1: Computational molecular biology: challenges and methods
Day 2: Third-generation sequencing (long-read and single-cell) and analyses methods
Day 3: Strain design: methods and applications in sustainability
Day 4: Graph-based methods for genomics in diverse applications
Day 5: Rewriting genomes, spatial technologies and data science
For more details on scope, form and exam please see DTU course base.